for starters, I want to deeply thank you for playing the game with such care, attention and awareness. The fact that you were willing to put in the time to provide such a detailed feedback means a lot to me. Thank you.
As a general answer, most of your points are already known to me and often they are a consequence of me absolutely wanting something else in the game no matter the cost. Some of them annoys me too, but I am stuck with them nonetheless. With that in mind, I'll talk about the ones of which I have something meaningful to say.
- I would have liked to be able to remap the change shape button to right click.
This is a good one I haven't thought about. I'll try to patch the game soon enough to include this.
- It was weird to me that I needed to click icons in the menus instead of being able to click the whole icon + text rectangle.
- It wasn't clear to me what the "cut scenes" showed. Maybe the view should stay on the thing it showed and wait for user input ?
These two could be a little hacky to implement, but I'll see what I can do.
- It was hard to see my progression in the game since you can't have a global view, or even a "big" area around you because of the tile fading out when they go off screen;
- that makes it's harder than necessary to know where there are uncompleted levels;
There actually is one specific place in the game where you can have a global view of the map, which is also the reason why you can't have it at all times.
- It's kind of annoying to navigate since you need to change shapes and use game mechanics, and sometimes you enter completed level and need to exit them just after;
In the first part of the game, just switching to hexagons is enough to walk the entire map without entering any level. Later on, you can still traverse the map without entering any unwanted level but navigation becomes a puzzle in itself. There are also shortcuts to skip large areas of the second world, as a mitigating factor. The assumed hypothesis is that the player realizes on her own all the these facts and she acts accordingly. In most cases, included yours, it didn't happen. It is a failure on my part, but I'll try to do better next time.
- The UI text morphing and icon morphing (the white in the icons, not only the button shape) make the UI kind of hard to read. I understand the idea of everything needs to morph but in my opinion the "benefit" is less than the inconvenience. I think if the "aspect ratio" of the text was respected (if that's possible) it would be more readable.
You mean aspect ratio of the single letters or in terms of the spacing between them?
- Most shape borders look blurry (when using square shape) because they are not lined up on screen pixels. It's not a big issue but I think it really visible.
You can disable anti-aliasing to fix that. But then you get unevenly spaced and sized squares which are uglier, in my opinion. If there is a way to get the best of both options, I haven't figured it out yet.